
So finally, here we have the creator of the whole phenomenom that is the Paulreyno Show....
Paul is never shy at coming forward and has a real softspot for the underdog and for anyone he sees getting a bum deal in life, he hates a bully and will go out of his way to pull the bully down.
When he is not creating the show that is writing,filming and editing, he is busy promoting new up and coming unsigned bands who he gives airtime to on his show.
He said.
"When I played in bands there was never the opportunity like there is today to self promote or even get the opportunities to widen your scope past you home village let alone the town. You needed the backing of an Agent to do that, and you also needed a bloody good manager."
When asked about competition to the Paulreyno Show, he said,
"What competition? I dont consider anybody or any show to be competition to the Paulreyno Show, I welcome then with open arms, they can have a part in my show if they wish !"
Finally Paul was asked about his wish list as far as the show was concerned, his answer was quite simple.
"To be successful, and it would be nice if some big celebs would do an acknowledgement for my show"
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