Meet the Team

Here you can see all the characters that make the Paulreyno Show what it is today. They are all different and here is some bio about them I hope you enjoy reading it

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dusty Chapeaux

Dusty is a strange character, named after the hat that he wears, which is absolutely covered in dust.
If you listen to Dusty you would think he is from a middle to upper class background, nothing could be further from the truth. He is actuall Uncle Dic's love child, Yes Dusty is the son of a Yorkshire Miner. However when Dusty found out, the first day of filming for thr Paulreyno Show,he went into total denial.
"How can this be, how can I be the love child of such a common, little dirty old man like that?"
To which Dic replied.
"Tha shud've seen thee mam, she 'ad t'body of an hoer, and t'mouth o't'mersey Tunnel, Doctors med us give ye up fo' adoption"
Dusty does not like associating with anybody else on the show, he feels that they are beneath him socially, he just claims to have a healthy working relationship with them.


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