Roadie Bill

Roadie Bill is a relatively new character to join the show. Paulreyno Says that he reminds him of a few dodgy characters that he came acroos in the late 70's early eighties when he was doing the band circuit. Paul was the bassist for a few bands at the time.
Roadie Bill is not a liar, he just tells really tall stories. He claims to have roadied for lots of celebs, but the real truth is, he once bumped into Mick Jagger whilst coming out of the toilet area in a night club and Mick gave Bill his autograph. That is the closest he has ever been to stardom, other than being with the ultimate Star....Paulreyno. Lol
Bill is constantly stoned his favourite past time is smoking "Skunk". He says
"Smoking weed is better than soap or resin, coz you dunt 'ave to put much bakky in yer joint....hehehe, yeah man."
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