Meet the Team
Here you can see all the characters that make the Paulreyno Show what it is today. They are all different and here is some bio about them I hope you enjoy reading it
Friday, July 07, 2006
Uncle Dic

Uncle Dic was the first human character to join the show. Uncle Dic is Paul's embarrassing Uncle. He is a veteran of the Coal Miners strike of 1972 ond often refers back to the 3-day week and how hard life was in the yorkshire coalfield and the mining communities way back then, especially when the power cuts struck the communities.
He is partially deaf and has a tendency to be rather forgetful. He claims that he has Alzheimers because it sounds better than senile dementia. But we have to remind him that the true meaning of Alzheimers disease is a pre senile dementia that usually hits folk before they reach old age and is staged in three 7 year stages ; first 7 onset, second 7, development, third 7 the steady progress to death. Sounds bad but that the way it is. So Dic has early stages of senile dementia, "the old crow".He has not got a clue about new types of music thats why he is the presenter for the music portion.
Ask him about the music scene and he says this.
"ee erm yeah, ay reyno, ave ye 'eard t'beatles new record its brill,. and ay that band called Black Sabbath, well I think tey've got a rate future.
Roadie Bill

Roadie Bill is a relatively new character to join the show. Paulreyno Says that he reminds him of a few dodgy characters that he came acroos in the late 70's early eighties when he was doing the band circuit. Paul was the bassist for a few bands at the time.
Roadie Bill is not a liar, he just tells really tall stories. He claims to have roadied for lots of celebs, but the real truth is, he once bumped into Mick Jagger whilst coming out of the toilet area in a night club and Mick gave Bill his autograph. That is the closest he has ever been to stardom, other than being with the ultimate Star....Paulreyno. Lol
Bill is constantly stoned his favourite past time is smoking "Skunk". He says
"Smoking weed is better than soap or resin, coz you dunt 'ave to put much bakky in yer joint....hehehe, yeah man."
Dusty Chapeaux

Dusty is a strange character, named after the hat that he wears, which is absolutely covered in dust.
If you listen to Dusty you would think he is from a middle to upper class background, nothing could be further from the truth. He is actuall Uncle Dic's love child, Yes Dusty is the son of a Yorkshire Miner. However when Dusty found out, the first day of filming for thr Paulreyno Show,he went into total denial.
"How can this be, how can I be the love child of such a common, little dirty old man like that?"
To which Dic replied.
"Tha shud've seen thee mam, she 'ad t'body of an hoer, and t'mouth o't'mersey Tunnel, Doctors med us give ye up fo' adoption"
Dusty does not like associating with anybody else on the show, he feels that they are beneath him socially, he just claims to have a healthy working relationship with them.

JSX or Just Simply X, is a rather shady character, nobody really knows this man at all except for Paulreyno himself and he remains tight lipped. All we know is that he came rolling in one day for an interview for a part in the show and got it immediately, he started the following day. This is how I find him. i think that his bark is much worse than his bite, and can be a real softie at heart. One thing I do know is that he worked at the busiest night club in town as a bouncer. So the Mr Nasty character really suits this guys persona. Presently JSX has a greivance with paulreyno, he wants a starring role in one of the shows. He really hates Little Vic.
He quotes.
"Ay you, Little Vic shut yer mouff before ah shut it fo' thee, thas nowt but a little stupid idiot"
Little Vic

Little Vic has endeared himself into the hearts of the many who watch the show most of the fan mail comes for little Vic and its mainly from Women. He basis his antics on the Late Great Benny Hill's character Fred Scuttle, only because Vic finds him funny, however Vic does not take on the pervy side of Fred Scuttle's nature.
Vic is half Yorkshireman and half Scouse. He is Paul's nephew, Paul was obliged to give Vic a job because his sister told him to. Vic is not reall well educated, in fact he only went to school for Art, games and Pys ed.
he does appear to be very simple at times, but then just look at his mother.He is a simpleton and the local village idiot, that is why Paul doesn't give him many big parts to do. I asked Vic to make a contribution to this write up and he came up with.
"Wow, hey, yeah, ooo, i'm on a website now, wow, me mam'd be proud on me..yeah , wow wehey!"
Nic Moro

Nic Moro, reverse his name and you get Moronic, and thats what we have right here. Nic makes Vic look like an Oxford University Gradute with an IQ of 150. This guy is really dumb. He has not got a clue about anything but football. He is banned from having a passport, because he is always in trouble when going to football matches. Not that HE is evil or anything like that, it is just that he is easily persuaded to smash someones head in with a table leg or and iron bar while the real gang leaders get away with it. He is accentless because he just takes on what he has just heard, he has no personality whatsoever. Nic Moro with a brain the size of a pea. Why did he get a job with The Paulreyno shaow I hear you say...Paul accepted him on the youth opportunities scheme ages ago but the only draw back is the guy is 40 years old. So technically he is here to stay.
Father Mick

Father Mick is me, I have been responsible for all the press releases the websites, all the uploading of stuff etc. I have been given a spot in the show but I don't know when yet. I am also the Shows Catholic Priest, I have been in the clergy for over 20 years. I do have a bit of a reputation as I consider myself to be a bit of an iconaclast, where preaching is concerned. I often refer to the Trinity, the father the son and the holy ghost as Big Daddy, JC Junior and Spooky. So watch out for me I gurantee you a few laughs. Oh yes I would mind half of the mail that Little Vic gets, coz girls I am better looking than him and I speak in a Yorkshire/irish accent.
Mr. Spliffy

Spliff has also been the roving reporter prior to Dic getting the job.
Spliffy is famous for his obnoxious sayings and actions. He is a self centered, egotistical, foul mouthed, sexist, perverted, obnoxious pig, but you just got to love him....Haven't you?
When asked about all this he just said.
"Oh crap, tha's talking shyte and reyno's a barsteward."

So finally, here we have the creator of the whole phenomenom that is the Paulreyno Show....
Paul is never shy at coming forward and has a real softspot for the underdog and for anyone he sees getting a bum deal in life, he hates a bully and will go out of his way to pull the bully down.
When he is not creating the show that is writing,filming and editing, he is busy promoting new up and coming unsigned bands who he gives airtime to on his show.
He said.
"When I played in bands there was never the opportunity like there is today to self promote or even get the opportunities to widen your scope past you home village let alone the town. You needed the backing of an Agent to do that, and you also needed a bloody good manager."
When asked about competition to the Paulreyno Show, he said,
"What competition? I dont consider anybody or any show to be competition to the Paulreyno Show, I welcome then with open arms, they can have a part in my show if they wish !"
Finally Paul was asked about his wish list as far as the show was concerned, his answer was quite simple.
"To be successful, and it would be nice if some big celebs would do an acknowledgement for my show"