Uncle Dic

Uncle Dic was the first human character to join the show. Uncle Dic is Paul's embarrassing Uncle. He is a veteran of the Coal Miners strike of 1972 ond often refers back to the 3-day week and how hard life was in the yorkshire coalfield and the mining communities way back then, especially when the power cuts struck the communities.
He is partially deaf and has a tendency to be rather forgetful. He claims that he has Alzheimers because it sounds better than senile dementia. But we have to remind him that the true meaning of Alzheimers disease is a pre senile dementia that usually hits folk before they reach old age and is staged in three 7 year stages ; first 7 onset, second 7, development, third 7 the steady progress to death. Sounds bad but that the way it is. So Dic has early stages of senile dementia, "the old crow".He has not got a clue about new types of music thats why he is the presenter for the music portion.
Ask him about the music scene and he says this.
"ee erm yeah, ay reyno, ave ye 'eard t'beatles new record its brill,. and ay that band called Black Sabbath, well I think tey've got a rate future.
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